About Greentram Software
On 30th September 2021 the intellectual property and business assets of Greentram Software Pty Ltd was acquired by Online50 Limited, a UK based company, giving SuperBeam, ProSteel and EuroBeam, and the users, a new home for further development. Tony Bryer remains involved in an advisory capacity.
Prior to the 30th September 2021 EuroBeam was produced by Greentram Software.
Greentram's founder, Tony Bryer, spent most of his life in the UK. After obtaining a Building Surveying degree from Reading University, he spent ten years working for a local authority as a surveyor and Building Control Officer, leaving in 1984 to set up a design and build company with a colleague.
In 1988 these activities were demerged, Survey Design Associates Limited (SDA) being formed to take over the design work. In 1989 SDA released its first computer program for UK construction professionals, SuperBeam, which was followed by other programs including ProSteel and SuperHeat.
In 2008 Tony Bryer relocated to Melbourne, SDA's business being transferred to a new Australian-registered company, Greentram Software Pty Ltd. In anticipation of a progressive move to Eurocode-based design, a new product, EuroBeam was developed to complement them and was released in 2010.
On 30th September 2021 the intellectual property and business assets of Greentram Software Pty Ltd was acquired by Online50 Limited, a UK based company, giving SuperBeam, ProSteel and EuroBeam, and the users, a new home for further development. Tony Bryer remains involved in an advisory capacity.
Contact us
- Support Forums - please use the forums for questions whose answers may help other users too
- Sales queries sales@superbeam.co.uk
- User-specific EuroBeam support queries (e.g. activation key problems) support@eurobeam.co.uk